Monday, December 8, 2008

Search Engine Optimization - Insurance For Business

Search Engine Optimization also known as SEO, has become something of trial and error for many businesses and bloggers still trying to figure how to make it work for their website. Although it is a fairly simple task in understanding how it works, making it work for any specific business is no easy task if you haven't had prior experience with this type of online marketing.

I have mentioned on my marketing company website that managing an SEO campaign can even be full time job in some cases if your trying to hit a larger target market.

Being that there are many factors to consider with SEO marketing it becomes obvious to any novice that the science of making this work is the reason why search engine marketers are making top dollar in most cases for their services.

Although, there are many free resources online that claim to make search engine optimization an easy task, it is simply no easy feat keeping up with the changes in the way we market to search engines while being able to manage an effective online keyword marketing campaign.

In addition to being well versed in the lingo you'll find that most online marketers that have a good reputation at doing this are not only well versed but highly visible.

It's no joke in saying that most of us have spent years testing the waters on effective SEO marketing strategies because most of us have been in the exact same position you may be in right now.

Probably the most important thing to remember is that content is king in this business. Having properly written copy on your website is also one of the most important things in terms of search engine placement. In addition website content that has been written the right way will ensure the conversion of sales of the products, services or information your website is offering.

More and more businesses are turning to Search Engine Optimization as a solution to help their business visibilty through these tough economic times. Also, not only is SEO becoming more and more affordable for businesses to take on, but more business are becoming turned on to this type of marketing because of the lasting benefits it offers over traditional types of media marketing.

Although it does take some time to see the results, website content can leave a lasting impression on search engines if managed properly. Where as traditional media marketing stops when you stop paying.

I am approached by many business website owners about this service on a day to day basis and I never get tired of hearing from them, after sitting and talking awhile that they can't afford it. The bottom line is if you have a website and you aren't properly optimized for sales, you can't afford not to have this service provided.

This is the missing ingrediant! Remember when someone told you that you needed a website to make money online? That may even be the reason you got a website in the first place. Have you already wracked your brain? I remember first getting started myself thinking, "Now why isn't this working?". As much as the internet has changed this has very much been apart of it from the beginning. Just think there are people just like you probably reading a similar blog or article about search engine marketing right now. The only difference between the businesses that will be successful from it and the ones that won't be, is their inspiration to action. In the long run marketing your business with SEO and SEM equals long-term insurance for your business in terms of creating visibilty.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Google Trends - Obama Vs. McCain

Google Trends is a tool from Google Labs that shows the most popularly searched terms from the beginning of 2004 to now.

Their detailed charts show how often a particular search term is entered relative to the total search volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages.

Google Trends also allows the user to compare the volume of searches between two or more terms. Additionally there is also feature that shows news related to the search term overlaid on the chart showing how new events are affecting search popularity.

Since Google has launched this tool that lets anyone see what the world is searching for, and compare the world's interest in your favorite topics, there has been a huge increase for the demand of marketing companies that know how to research and analyze this type of data affectively. They have also since released Google Hot Trends which has proven to be equally as popular. This add-on was no more than a collection of the day to day trends that are surfacing on the net,which shows what people are searching for right now - the fastest rising search queries on Google. The best part about that was it was updated every hour. Which is huge if you are using an open source method of marketing to virally advertise online.

It's crazy free gizmo's like this that make professional marketers like myself rack our brains on how we can use this information to share with out clients and outwardly have a perspective advantage over our competitors.

Here's a fun fact. I recently did a video on how to compare trend information using the election as an example.

Now to be honest I don't have alot of time for politics but the outcome was shocking for me.
Having used these tools myself for business related market reserach I never would have I imagined you could also use this information to see trends in the presidential electoral process using keywords like Obama or McCain.

Watch the controversial video and see exactly were McCain stands with Obama in a simple head -to -head Google Trends competition.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Twitter | Flaw or Freedom? | How To Make Your Tweets Longer

When you sign-up for an account on Twitter all you need to know about tweeting is that in being a tweeter you have to tweet. At first the simplicity Twitter provides is very confusing for the beginner. I often even still find myself tweeting my life away to people that don’t respond. But there are those that do and I appreciate all my tweets either way. The bottom line is if you tweet it, they will come and just like any other Web 2.0 social networking site you have to get followers for it to work. As a general rule of thumb, if you don’t have at least ¼ the number of people following you on Twitter you should probably cut back on the number of people you are following. Others know strangely enough when you trying to spam them.

For the most part micro-blogging is a fast and easy way to communicate very short messages to a large group of “followers”.

Keep in mind if you spam the hell out of people they probably won’t listen to you or re-tweet your tweets but they may keep you as a follower simply for the sake of PR if you have a lot of followers of your own.

Although the Twitter service is limited to 140 characters through the website and also through certain tools like Digsby and Trillion; if you are using an email service to respond to your tweets, it’s nice that longer tweets that get sent those us with direct messaging set up to our phones get to stretch the 140 charter limit a little.

Although this must be a slight flaw in the current version of the Twitter software; which I am sure they will be addressing soon, we all should be taking advantage of this unapparent Twitter bonus while you can. A perfect solution for those us that not only tweet a lot, but seem to run out of room with the 140 character limit the current Twitter version provides. Personally I thinks it great to be able to have this extra freedom from the service.

I won’t be posting a video for this one. So just enjoy the free tid-bit.

If you like this than watch my video on How Twitter Works below... in Response to another Tweet.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

PPC Classroom 2.0 | Scam or Not ? | So-Called Secrets of A $24 Million PPC Affiliate

Usually this blog is geared more towards the secrets of the internet kind of genre. But after seeing this recent promotion I was appalled. Could my eyes decieve, me you decide? These so-called secrets of another $24 Million PPC Affiliate giving away their formula. This particular page was familiar to the other MLM types of websites I have seen. But something was noticably of in one part of the page. The scary part was it seemed very obvious to me that this one picture of a man in a supposed testimonial was off by alot. I looks like a typical hack cut and paste job to be perfectly honest. You can view the full size page image here. His head looks like it super-imposed on the the body. Even the background dosen't seem to match the rest of the photo. Sure the guy is in a wet suit and appears that he is at the beach but is he really? Why, on earth does his head seem to be so much bigger in proportion to the rest of his body? Now whether this is a testimant to whether this is a scam or not; you certainly will have to decide for yourself.

Being a professional marketer myself for many years now owning a marketing company you tend to noticed these things. Secrets many times often turn out to be common knowledge for many if you just look around. Just because you don't know, that dosen't make it a secret does it? The bottom line is so-called scams like this do exhist and those just starting out should be careful where you invest your money when it comes to internet products.

The sad part is I got this invitation diguised as this link from a very reliable resource. I for one won't be taking part of this program and I advise any other affiliate and MLM marketer to be wary of similar marketing traps that attempt to lie to you to help make a profit for themselves. If this stuff was this easy companies like this marketing and ad agency wouldn't be getting top dollar for their services.

One good free piece of advice I can give you is very simple to understand and it never changes in relation to those worried about wheter they are caught in a scam. Every beginner should try to try when they start out to form an alliance with someone in marketing or some one who deals with these typoes of businesses daily.

This may not be an easy task, that said since most of us out there are charging for a our services. But if you are lucky eneough to already know someone in the advertising business, it never hurts to just ask them to take a look at the products and let tell you what they think of it. Chances are if they are aren't getting excited, then you probably should avoid the supposed scam.

Most professional marketers will be able to tell you right away wether you should avoid these types of marketing gimmicks. Some of them believe it or not actually work, but they are few and far between and then again the don't al work for everyone.

Lastly, you have to ask yourself if any of these pages work all at making a million dollars from affiliate marketing through PPC than why do they all look so bad.

I have seen some really bad bages like this one. Don't these guys understand that they can get the same kind of website optimization and still have a site that looks good if they just spend a little of that money they are supposedly making.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Free Marketing Solutions for Consumers and Businesses With

With the all the hype about the internet ever present in our daily lives, it becomes strikingly apparent to most of us that all the buzz about it is as strong as it ever was. With so many businesses still teetering with the notion of whether or not to bring there business into the frenzied culmination of software managed database infrastructures, while every John and Jane equivalently decides to go ahead with that personal.

If you have any clue about what’s going on out there the answer is simple, advertising. What better way for leading industries to facilitate there exponential growth than by offering their products and services in a virtual “warehouse” , a piece of real estate that is limited only by the cost of hosting in itself. Property with no property lines driven on boundless creativity as far as the imagination can stretch and purse will allow. If you have a problem chances are there is a software solution for you or your business.

To get to the point, with all the choices out there and with such a wide spectrum of products and services out there it is hard for most business owners to be able to even asses their own businesses needs in terms of getting up to speed with their competition or simply getting onboard.

Search engines and search engine optimization seem to be the way to go if you are looking to get to the top of any list. Plus these services provide a powerful means of finding information on just about anyone and anything. The only problem is if you’re looking for someone local good luck unless they have optimized their own site effectively. Congratulations to them.

Many search engines now also offer other services that entice people to stay on their systems, this gives the now ever-popular search engines a way to display the colorful advertisement they are paid to put up by the bigger corporations. Many of us at this point are blind to the ads we see and now hear everyday online; we have seen them so many times. Rationally you may see the dilemma here being that the local guys just can’t afford the cost of advertising there own colorful graphics on let’s say Google’s pages anyway. With all the spam and pop-up blockers available, really what’s the point guys? Nobody is being fooled anymore. Or were we ever?

Today if you are looking to advertise locally a real solution is hard to find, but there is an answer. brought to you by Paradox Marketing Solutions features the power of a Completely Free Classifieds Service brought to any community powered by the very business in that area.

They provide you with similar features to popular online classifieds services like As an added bonus when you advertise the business directory you can even tag your directory listing with keywords as part of the service. Plus if you are looking to get your business on the forefront of being seen you can add your businesses colorful banners or graphics that can link directly to your own businesses website.

Your can search the local business directory by city, location, business name or by words associated to your business or its product /services.

Featured is a Prize Box for registered users, where they can win free area prizes, like entertainment, movie passes, dinner, limo rides and more.

The great things is they are powered by only seacoast based businesses and are backed by Jenica Corporation a leading hosting and spam solution software firm located in Nashua,NH.

If you are a business owner looking to advertise on a local level these guys bring it all together with powerful marketing solutions your business may be missing out on. For more information please write them by visiting them online.
New England…Made Simple.


A Paradox...What is it?

The Literal Definition of a Paradox-


  • A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true: the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking.
  • One exhibiting inexplicable or contradictory aspects: "The silence of midnight, to speak truly, though apparently a paradox, rung in my ears" (Mary Shelley).
  • An assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises.
  • A statement contrary to received opinion.

From the American Heritage Dictionary

What is Paradox Marketing?

It's not a new Idea... But major Sales and Marketing Developments start with understanding that sales and marketing practices are at opposing ends of the psychological and motivational spectrum. They are diametrically opposite, yet can significantly complement each other, especially when it comes to gathering competitive information resources.

Businesses need to understand WHY it is so important for these dynamics to be integrated accordingly, to get the most ROI for your branding campaign.

Businesses should have one location within their organization where strategic information about their competitors and the marketplace is gathered, verified, analytically reviewed, and made easily available to key strategic decision makers.

They also need to understand their own place in the market amongst their compettitors. So aquiring this information about themselves is also part of this dynamic equalibrium.

We are an agency that knows the true importance of paradox marketing in in entirety. We have a full solution for any size business marketing or branding needs.

The answer is simple when you know which companies can provide you this type of information, and essentially tell you where you stand and who you are up against competetively.

Paradox Marketing Solutions- Marketing...Made Simple, is a fully equipped resource for tackling the marketing paradox.

If you are looking to take your business to next level we understand that infinite possibilities, provide infinite solutions and that having one place to get all the advertising services you need and want bundled for the right price, means peace of mind for you and your clients.

Marketing any business can be a full-time job some companies and if you don't know where to look for resources it can be devastating to your business if you aren't focused on the other aspects of what you do to make your business work for you instead of vice-versa.

We develope marketing strategies that help your business work for you, quite simply so you don't have to. From online web developement, SEO & SEM campaigns, PPC, social blogging and article submission to print media solutions, mainstream radio & television as well as online video and banner marketing; there are many businesses that have already tested the market before you, so don't have to. Stop wasting your money on advertising that just dosen't work.

Contact Us Regarding A Consultation Today